A Moment of Silence: Photos So We Never Forget

    Poppies and crosses mark the graves of Soldiers. Source: Shutterstock
    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    A picture tells a thousand words. Words that could never adequately convey how war affects a soldier. Or how it affects their families. Or how it affects the world. The sacrifices, destruction, and patriotism could never be correctly written into sentences, no matter how hard we tried. In a tribute to Canadian veterans and veterans from around the world, we compiled a gallery of photos to remember. Because lest we ever forget, history may repeat itself.

    As we honour Remembrance Day, may I leave you with a few lines from the famous poem, In Flanders Field:

    Take up our quarrel with the foe: 

    To you from failing hands we throw

        The torch; be yours to hold it high. 

        If ye break faith with us who die

    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

            In Flanders fields.

    Read about the history of the Flanders Field poem.

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