Who We Are And What We Do
To bring Canadians and people all around the world together and create a community in which we share, discuss, and celebrate stories, ideas and content that inspire people everywhere to be kind and loving to each other.
Together, we inspire people to change the way they see the world so they change the world they see.
We turn the tide of negativity and ignite a movement that puts graciousness, empathy, kindness, and compassion at the forefront of human interaction.
We change the perception of kindness being a sign of weakness, to being a sign of stalwart strength of character.
People all around the world have a ‘kindness first’ way of thinking. They believe there is good in the world and they are the good in the world.
Jeff Lundgren

Who am I?
I believe those who know me well would say I am a deeply passionate and sensitive person with strong ideas about right and wrong. Even when I was young I have always felt a tremendous amount of empathy for people and I would have significant emotional reactions if I ever saw anyone being bullied or left out. I am not a saint by any means, but I do believe I try to be a good person.
Why am I here?
I love Canada, I love my friends around the world, and I love stories and examples of people being amazing to one another. I once read a quote that paraphrases ideas from multiple philosophers that said, “The only thing necessary for evil to take over the world is for good people to do nothing”. I believe there is so much more love and kindness in the world than some commentary would suggest. Now more than ever, we need to come together and celebrate and amplify stories and examples of people being amazing to one another. I believe that the world is not as it is, the world is as you see it, and if you change the way you see the world you will change the world you see. Also, Kevin told me there would be tacos.
What am I doing with my life?
I have come to realize that I am happiest when I am spending time with family and friends in serene environments, exploring new places and cultures while making new friends, and being a part of amazing teams working on inspiring and important projects. I am doing these things while looking for opportunities to make life and moments a little bit easier and a little bit better for those around me.
The most inspirational acts of kindness I’ve ever witnessed
The acts of kindness that make me tear-up the most are the simple and unexpected ones that expose the incredible soul and character of beautiful people just being who they are – people who might be experiencing hardship themselves and yet are so present, loving and giving that they see and act on opportunities to make life a little bit easier and better for strangers. In the early days of the pandemic when fear and uncertainty was rampant, a grocery store cashier, who was in the thick of it, bought my Mom (who is in her late 70s) tulips and came running out into the parking lot to give them to her when my Mom felt like she had to leave them behind and only spend money on necessities. When the people of Gander, Newfoundland opened their hearts and their doors and fed and clothed thousands of people who descended on their little town on 9/11.
My favourite quote “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi
Diane Clement

Who am I?
When I was in University, my professor once asked, “When all is said and done, what would you like written on your tombstone?” My response was two words, “She inspired.” I am the person that is going to encourage you to do the things you think you can not do.
Why am I here?
My official job title is “Outbound and Social.” I think this means I’m on the fun train. I create content, come up with ideas and try to make sure that what goes out is powerful and purposeful. Time is a resource and we want to make sure that if you invest in us – that we are equally as invested in you.
What am I doing with my life?
Great question. I contemplated this for a week, but I think I know now. I am going to keep looking for what is right, what is good and what creates a positive impact. I am going to push the envelope in terms of what is possible, and when I fall off track, which I do (daily), I’m going to remember, that what I do matters. All of it matters.
The most inspirational act of kindness I’ve ever witnessed
I didn’t know it or recognize it at the time, but I do now. The greatest act of kindness that I have even been part of was when my mother, newly divorced, broke, and in remission, opened our home for a refugee. Fauzia was a woman from Pakistan who needed help. During my high school years, she lived with us in a small home. My mother gave her a safe place to land, clothing, food, and the support she needed to get back on her feet. That was my mom, always lending her hand, and more importantly, her heart.
My favourite quote
“And the day came when risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
– Anaïs Nin
Shirley Sze

Who am I?
A jewelry designer, entrepreneur and advocate for sex trafficking survivors. A traveller and lover of experiencing other cultures. A news junkie who is a little too obsessed with charcuterie.
Why am I here?
CanadaLoves.ca stands for everything I believe in – making a positive impact, big or small. Particularly, I work on social media and marketing, writer, (really) funny joke teller.
What am I doing with my life?
I want to be remembered for leaving the world better than I found it. Saving children from the nightmare of the sex trade, championing for equality, and making a splash in the designer world are forever on my life’s TO DO list. Eating and drinking my way around the world is a bonus.
The most inspirational acts of kindness I’ve ever witnessed
What my mother gave up for her family.
My favourite quote
“I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe.” – John Lewis
Michael Lundgren

Who am I?
I am a patriarch, curmudgeon, engineer, pedagogue, mentor, Arrow-Head (CF-105), Trekkie, philatelist, etc. just your everyday old git nerd.
Why am I here?
I ask myself that question every morning, but to quote Douglas Adams: “I have not gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
What am I going to do with my life?
Being a septuagenarian, I look back on my life and feel reasonably satisfied with my progress thus far. To quote my fellow Theta Delt, Robert Frost: “But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
The most inspirational acts of kindness I’ve ever witnessed
It’s the small things that matter. My wonderful wife, Margaux, does little acts of kindness everyday – for family, for friends, and most important, for strangers. For example, every time Margaux drives through the line at Timmies, she pays for the order of the car behind her. Just a small, anonymous act of kindness that brightens up a stranger’s day.
My favourite quote
From Bill Shakespeare in Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III: This above all: To thine own self be true And it must follow, as the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man
Kevin Rogers Cobus

Who am I?
I have a passion for creativity and for making the world a better place. I sometimes get overwhelmed by how much I’m not doing to save the world, but then I take a deep breath and try to center on the fact that every kind gesture, every selfless act, every generous sentiment creates a ripple effect.
Why am I here?
I edit and organize content and messaging for CanadaLoves. I also assist with some of the webmastering and marketing initiatives. I also heard there would be tacos.
What am I going to do with my life?
My grand vision is to make some memorable creative expressions, through music and writing, that will outlast me. I also would like to see as much of the world as I can before shuffling off this mortal coil. I want to have left the world a better place than I found it.
The most inspirational acts of kindness I’ve ever witnessed
Over the course of my life I have been fortunate enough to meet exceptionally generous, kind and loving souls that go out of their way for others ahead of themselves. For these people, acts of kindness are not perceived as “sacrifice”, rather the right way of being in the world. Their acts of kindness are too numerous to mention, but we all know these types of people. I strive to be a person like this myself.
My favourite quote
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon