Home Video Young Canadian College Grad Has Positive Message for the World

Young Canadian College Grad Has Positive Message for the World

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“We are all, truly, in this together and we are all capable of change and growth that can only make this world a better place.”

These are the words of April Judd, a 19 year-old college senior who graduated from John Abbott College in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec. Judd managed to capture hearts worldwide with her hilariously honest grad speech.  Aimed at answering the simple yet complicated question: ‘How has the coronavirus affected my final semester?’, it is a must watch.

Judd beat out grads from 49 countries to win the Greater Good’s Girls’ Voices at Home Class of 2020 Challenge.  Plus, with worthy life assurances like “We got this—or, at least we will— eventually!”, Judd’s speech inspired.

And although, we aren’t all recent graduates like Judd, perhaps this reminder is something that we all need. Wise words, especially coming from someone on the cusp of starting their life. Because the world has seen better days. Then again, it has seen worse. Perhaps that is the magic of what Judd was able to capture in her four-minute video. Yes things are bad, but as humans, we have persevered through worse.  And she sees light at the end of the tunnel.

Perhaps hearing the words “We are all, truly, in this together” is what we need to put a smile on our face and return to fighting the good fight. Judd’s speech, perhaps initially aimed at fellow peers who were disheartened that their “normal” graduation had been dashed, have found resonance with a much wider audience. With wise words like, “I don’t want to go back to the way things were… I want to have a heightened appreciation for all the things that make life full”, how can we all not feel better?

To close off, it’s incredible how versatile humans can be in the face of crushing adversity. May you go forth and live that full life. And don’t forget to laugh and have fun along the way.

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