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Free Piano Concerts, Anyone? Heck Ya!

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Every Sunday evening at 8:00pm ET (and a special New Year’s Eve Performance starting at 10 PM) people from across Canada and a few remote locations around the world get together and enjoy an ad lib, off the cuff, and unique evening of live piano music and singing.  David’s Virtual Piano Bar originated last March when the pandemic first sent people into lockdown last March. Based on the success of the first night he subsequently performed 50 consecutive nights and now performs weekly. David’s response to the enormous gratitude and thanks he receives is that the experience of performing and audience connection equally fills his spiritual cup. He reminds us that there is always a symbiotic relationship between the performer and the audience. One cannot live without the other.

CanadaLoves Dave’s virtual Piano Bar because it has created a community of hope and connection through a unique live music experience.  Just like an actual piano bar people make requests through the comments section and also tip the virtual tip jar. All the proceeds of the tip jar goes to Canada Helps charity. Live music, connecting and raisinging money for charity is what we call a win, win and win!   Good stuff, Dave.  Check it out for yourself here https://www.facebook.com/groups/davesvirtualpianobar

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